Caring For and Cleaning Your Luxury Handbag

Gucci, Louis, YSL and Chanel are some of the most well-known names in the fashion industry, namely because of their success in crafting high-quality luxury handbags. Owning a luxury handbag is a statement of style and quality. With such an investment, many handbag owners are sure to take special care of their bags so that they can last a lifetime. Taking the proper cleaning and care precautions can help maintain your bag’s beauty and longevity. Our team at Rytina is well-versed in the care of luxury and designer handbags, with the knowledge and equipment to restore and revive your worn-out handbag.

Why Proper Handbag Care Matters

Luxury handbags are crafted with premium materials, which, while durable, are of such quality that they need different care than most other fabrics and materials. Neglecting this care can lead to:

  • Fading colors
  • Stains and discoloration
  • Cracking leather
  • Scratched hardware
  • Seam ripping
  • Worn-our hardware

By following the proper care and cleaning techniques outlined by the manufacturers, your handbag can maintain its value and like-new appearance.

Daily Care Tips for Your Luxury Handbag

A bag is not ruined overnight, it is the daily practices that you put your bag through that determines its fate either as a sad, worn leather ‘has-been’ or a sparkling statement piece of your closet. Follow these easy daily tips to preserve your bag.

Handle With Clean Hands

Always ensure you handle your bag with clean, washed hands. Over time, the oils and dirt on your hands will start to build up on the bag you carry, leaving an unpleasant film of dirt and grime. Even the cleanest people have a hard time not leaving a darker residue on the handle of their bag simply from their hands. Be sure to use gentle hand soap that will not transfer chemicals or heavy fragrances to your bag.

Store Your Bag Properly

Such a beautiful and pricey bag should be shown off at all times, right? Wrong. When your bag is not being flaunted, it should be stored carefully and correctly. Use a dust bag to protect your designer bag from dust and light. While in storage, use tissue paper or bag inserts to maintain the bag’s shape. With larger, structured bags, ensuring the shape is supported is essential to keeping it looking like new.

Avoid Overloading

While the Jane Birkin-ificiation of bag usage changed the perspective of how much we can (and should) be putting in our designer bags, most prefer to keep their bags in mint condition. Overloading your handbag can strain its structure and cause wear and tear. Keep your load light to maintain the bag’s original shape.

Cleaning Your Luxury Handbag

Now for the nitty gritty, you know the small, everyday tasks to preserve your bag, now for the big one: the cleaning. Perhaps the most daunting task. Taking soap and water to a $5,000 bag goes against just about every instinct we have. But, it must be done, and at that, it must be done right.

At-Home Bag  Cleaning

Every few weeks, or as needed, gently wipe your handbag with a microfiber cloth to remove dust and dirt. For leather bags, apply a small amount of leather cleaner on a soft, clean cloth and rub gently over the bag in circular motions. Afterward, condition your leather with a high-quality leather conditioner to keep the material soft. 

Professional Bag Cleaning

Some bags are past the point of at-home remedy, and in this case, you should take your bag to a professional bag cleaner and restorer.  Professional bag cleaners like Rytina Fine Cleaners offer quality-guaranteed cleaning and restoration services. Our cleaners can handle hardware replacements, leather cleaning, cloth cleaning, handle repair and restitching, leather repair, suede cleaning and more. 

Owning a luxury bag comes with a slew of responsibilities. After all, high fashion comes at a price. But when you are a luxury bag enthusiast, it is important to keep your investment clean and in good condition. Trusting professional cleaners like Rytina is the best way to ensure that your bag stays beautiful for years to come. Treat your bag with the love it deserves, and trust Rytina Fine Cleaners Luxury Handbag Cleaning.